Vietnam observes World Food Day 2014

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Quang Ninh provincial People’s Committee and the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) co-celebrated the 34 th World Food Day and FAO’s 69th founding anniversary on October 14 in Dong Trieu district, northern Quang Ninh province.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Quang Ninhprovincial People’s Committee and the UN’s Food and AgricultureOrganisation (FAO) co-celebrated the 34 th World Food Day and FAO’s 69th founding anniversary on October 14 in Dong Trieu district, northernQuang Ninh province.

This year’s World Food Day explored thetheme “Family farming: feeding the world, caring for the earth”, whichis significant to Vietnam since the country’s 10 million farminghouseholds with 30 million laborers, or 70 percent of the workforce,contributed only 20 percent of the national GDP.

According toDeputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Quoc Doanh, theGovernment is implementing an agriculture restructuring programme tohelp farmers increase their incomes, with a major focus on applyingscientific-technological approaches and restructuring production,including the provision of preferential loans and investments ineducation and scientific research.

Speaking at the event, FAORepresentative in Vietnam Jong-Ha Bae said in Vietnam and manycountries all over the world, farming households’ role in economics,society, culture and the environment is decisive and needs to bestrengthened through renovations.

On this occasion, the UNWomen Country Representative in Vietnam, Shoko Ishikawa, awarded prizesfor winners of the national writing competition “Woman’s role in familyfarming cultivation”.-VNA

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At a fund raising event for the substandard housing elimination drive held in Da Nang in January 2025. (Photo: VNA)

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