Da Nang (VNA) – Tourism startup projects with innovative solutions todiversify tourism products will be nurtured at a programme to speed up VietnamTourism Startup, launched in the central city of Da Nang on April 14.
The programme is sponsored by the Vietnam Mentors Initiative, Angel InvestorNetwork, Women’s Initiatives Startups and Entrepreneurship (WISE), SwissEntrepreneurship Programme (Swiss EP) and SONGHAN incubator.
It draws the participation of lawyers, investors and Vietnamese leading expertsin tourism, innovative startup, digital technology, information and technology,media, finance, human resources and administration.
In-depth tourism consultancies and connection between Vietnamese andinternational investors will be included in the programme.
Tenmost standout tourism ideas will be incubated into ten companies in the sector.Each project will receive trade support service worth 20 million VND (882 USD).
The programme will conclude on November 30, 2017.-VNA