Vietnam proposes ASEAN plan to fight nCoV

According to the World Health Organisation, nearly 30 countries and territories have reported confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV, including six in Southeast Asia.

Vietnam has proposed that ASEAN establish a ministerial-level joint working group with the participation of transport, immigration, border control and consular agencies to soon organise online meetings to share information and coordinate actions of the ASEAN member countries in a timely manner, showing the intra-bloc solidarity.

According to the World Health Organisation, nearly 30 countries and territories have reported confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV, including six in Southeast Asia, namely Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Cambodia. These countries are taking drastic measures to discover suspected cases and isolate and treat positive cases.

Vietnam has confirmed ten cases of infections. To cope with the disease spread, the country has isolated those entering Vietnam, including foreigners. The Ministry of Health has taken technical measures to screen for coronavirus at the earliest time and apply appropriate treatment.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh, as Chairman of the ASEAN Coordinating Council, has sent letters to ASEAN countries to express the spirit of coordination and joint action of the bloc to prevent and control the disease. With their experience in fighting against SARS in 2003, ASEAN countries should continue to uphold their reliance and cope with the nCoV actively./.