Vietnam proves its active role in UN: Ambassador

Vietnamese leaders are expected to send important messages to the high-level week of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly, slated for September 21-October 2.
Vietnam proves its active role in UN: Ambassador ảnh 1Doctors of Vietnam's level-2 field hospital No. 1 head to South Sudan for UN peacekeeping mission in 2018. (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) –
Vietnamese leaders are expected to sendimportant messages to the high-level week of the 75th session of theUnited Nations General Assembly, slated for September 21-October 2.

On the eve of the event, Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, head of theVietnamese mission to the UN, said since Vietnam officially joined the UN onSeptember 20, 1977, the cooperative relations between the two sides havecontributed to protecting and promoting national interests, particularly maintainingand consolidating a peaceful and secure environment favourable for nationaldevelopment as well as international integration.

The relationship has also helped raise Vietnam’s position andimage in the international arena, and deepen relations between Vietnam and othercountries, key partners and friends.

The Ambassador stressed that on the other hand, Vietnam hasproactively made substantial contributions to the UN’s operation. As such, theUN and international community have described Vietnam as a model of success inimplementing SDGs, and a country that has seriously worked to materialise the2030 agenda on sustainable development and the Paris agreement on climatechange.

Vietnam has actively promoted the UN’s reform initiatives, and itwas considered among the leaders in implementing the Delivering As Oneinitiative.  

Quy said the UN has repeatedly praised Vietnam asa model of the developing countries that have emerged from poverty and warremnants to gain the middle-income status.

In his congratulatory message to the Vietnamese Government and people on theoccasion of the 75th anniversary of National Day (September 2), UNSecretary General Antonio Guterres said Vietnam has always been a strongpartner of the UN since its admission to the UN in 1977.

The Vietnamese army is participating in the UN'speacekeeping activities and Vietnam’s leading role in fulfilling the MDGs laysa solid foundation for the country to carry out the Sustainable DevelopmentProgramme 2030, he said.
According to Ambassador Quy, as a non-permanentmember of the UNSC in the 2020-2021 term, Vietnam has participated in thecouncil’s work in the spirit of independence, activeness and withresponsibility, while affirming its stance of advocating adherence to the UNCharter and basic principles of international law, supporting the search forsolutions to regional and international disputes through talks and peacefulnegotiations.

As President of the UN Security Council (UNSC) inJanuary 2020, Vietnam has left a good impression with the organisation of anopen debate on adhering to the UN Charter to maintain international peace andsecurity, and the first-ever meeting on cooperation between the UN and ASEAN.

The ambassador also affirmed that Vietnam has outstandinglyfulfilled its positions as chairs of the committee monitoring the implementationof resolutions on South Sudan and the Informal Working Group on InternationalTribunals, and as coordinator of the 10 non-permanent member countries of theUNSC (E10) in May.

With the dual role as non-permanent member of the UNSC and ASEANChair 2020, Vietnam held a meeting on the UN-ASEAN, and promoted the role ofregional organisations in settling issues in regions.

Ambassador Quy quoted the UN Secretary General as assessing thatas a non-permanent member of the UNSC, Vietnam has been making significantcontributions to sustainable peace./.

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