Vietnam seeks stronger economic partnership with Iran

Vietnamese Ambassador to Iran, Nguyen Hong Thach has recently paid a visit to the West Asian country’s central Yazd province to promote economic cooperation between the two nations’ localities.
Vietnamese Ambassador to Iran, Nguyen Hong Thach has recently paid a visit to the West Asian country’s central Yazd province to promote economic cooperation between the two nations’ localities.

During the visit from May 19-20, the diplomat held a working session with Yazd Governor S.M. Mir Mohammadi and other provincial officials.

Despite flourishing political relations, Vietnam and Iran still need to strongly promote their economic partnership, the Governor said while presenting the local advantages in industry, agriculture and tourism.

He expressed delight at Yazd-based Alloy Steel’s collaboration with a Vietnamese partner and the upcoming shipment of the firm’s first batch of goods to the Southeast Asian country, which he described as a good signal for the future.

Ambassador Thach said he expects economic relations between Vietnam and Yazd to be elevated in the time ahead.

At a separate meeting with Mohammad Reza Ghomi, Director of the Yazd Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines, Thach presented on the fields Vietnam excels in, especially agricultural products.

The Iranian official pledged he will introduce Vietnam to some of Yazd’s business clients, initially focusing on Vietnamese rice, coffee, tea and rubber.

He also said a business delegation from the province will soon visit Vietnam to explore cooperation opportunities.-VNA

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