Vietnam seeks to improve early childhood education

Over the past five years, Vietnam has realized its target of universal education coverage for 5-year-old children. However, experts say, it is necessary for the country to further improve early childh

The recent international conference in Hanoi was told Vietnam is strongly committed to education development. Through the universal early childhood education programme for 5-year-old children, Vietnam has ensured the right to at least one year pre-primary education for children and continue to primary and secondary education.

However, the country need to be more ambitious and should state that the right to education, just simply by sitting in the classrooms, is not enough. Education should be of higher quality to ensure that children can really learn.

During the two days of the International Conference, senior Vietnamese and international guest speakers shared experiences and discussed key issues of early childhood education in the world and the region such as early childhood development and education policies and programmes, quality assurance conditions and inter-agency coordination in early childhood care, education and development.

They held that development of early childhood education and enhancing school readiness for children are significant factors in the development of quality human resources for Vietnam..-VNA