Vietnam sends over 134,700 workers abroad in 2017

Vietnam sent 134,751 workers to foreign countries in 2017, up 28.3 percent as compared to the yearly plan and 6.7 percent from 2016, according to the Department of Overseas Labour under the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.
Vietnam sends over 134,700 workers abroad in 2017 ảnh 1Vietnam sent 134,751 workers to foreign countries in 2017, up 28.3 percent as compared to the yearly plan and 6.7 percent from 2016 (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) - Vietnam sent 134,751 workers to foreign countries in 2017, up 28.3 percent as compared to the yearly plan and 6.7 percent from 2016, according to the Department of Overseas Labour under the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.

The figure included 53,340 female workers, accounting for 39.6 percent. 2017 was the fourth consecutive year the number of labourers working abroad exceeded the level of 100,000 people a year.

Vietnamese labourers to the Japanese market significantly numbered 54,504, including 24,502 females.

Currently, Vietnam has more than 100,000 trainees in Japan, topping the list of 15 nations having sent trainees to Japan.

Taiwan (China) continued to receive the most number of workers from Vietnam with 66,926 people. This is the two years in a row that the number of labours from Vietnam to this market hit over 60,000 workers, making up 50 percent of total Vietnamese labours working in foreign countries in 2017.

There are 5,178 Vietnamese workers working in the Republic of Korea, followed by Saudi Arabia (3,626), Malaysia (1,551), Algeria (760) and Romania (683).-VNA

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