Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnam’s stainless steel round wires madefrom materials imported from the Republic of Korea (RoK) do not evade the US’santi-dumping duties, affirmed the Department of Trade Defence under theMinistry of Industry and Trade (MoIT), citing a document issued by the US’s Department of Commerce (DOC) on May 22.
The DOC's final conclusion on an anti-dumping tax evasioninvestigation into stainless steel round wires imported from Vietnam affirmed that the products are free from anti-dumping tax evasion.
The conclusion is the same as what DOC said in December2022 that Vietnam’s stainless steel round wires manufactured from materialsimported from the RoK did not evade the anti-dumping duties that the US wasimposing on similar products of the RoK.
According to the Department of Trade Defence, anti-dumpingtax evasion investigations into Vietnam’s stainless steel round wires startedin February 2022. Data from the US International Trade Commission (USITC)showed that Vietnam's exports of steel products coded HS 7223 in 2021 wasabout 4.9 million USD./.