Vietnam suggests greater investment in ASEAN youth

Vietnam has stressed the need for stronger investment in the youth to enhance their capacity and solidarity during the building of the ASEAN Community.
Vietnam suggests greater investment in ASEAN youth ảnh 1Officials pose for a photo at the event (Photo:

Vientiane (VNA) – Vietnam has stressed the need for stronger investment in the youth to enhance their capacity and solidarity during the building of the ASEAN Community.

Nguyen Anh Tuan, Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union’s Central Committee and head of the Vietnamese delegation made the statement at the 11th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Youth (AMMY) and the seventh AMMY Plus Three in Vientiane, Laos on July 19.

The events drew senior officials in charge of youth affairs from ASEAN countries and Japan, the Republic of Korea and China.

Tuan suggested that participants seek measures to promote cooperation in vocational training, startup supporting and skill training for the youth.

He expressed his hope that ASEAN member countries and partners will support the message delivered by Laos in order to strengthen the efficiency of the ASEAN’s integration process.

Along with bilateral and multilateral discussions at the event, the Vietnamese delegation also held discussions with three partners of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea as well as sideline activities to talk issues related to youth development and cooperation and seek measures to promote the role and cooperation of the youth in ASEAN community building.

Addressing the event, Lao Deputy Prime Minister Sonsay Siphandone stressed that the youth is a precious force with significant role in all development areas of each country and the whole region, as well as in fostering friendship among nations and the international community.

He proposed four major objectives of the event, including supporting youngsters of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam; speeding up plans to enhance the role of the youth, especially female; making preparations for the youth amidst the Fourth Industrial Revolution; and accelerating ASEAN youth in connecting and cooperation among regional countries to maintain peace, stability and prosperity.

Participants at the event also discussed the Plan of Action for ASEAN youth towards 2025 and adopted a joint statement.-VNA

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