Hanoi (VNA) - The Prime Minister approved the ‘Scheme of deploying,applying and managing the traceability system’ with the goal to build andoperate a portal on national product and goods traceability by 2020.
The project aims to improve the system of legal regulations, documents andguidelines on traceability; promote social engagement in traceabilityactivities to serve international integration and improve the efficiency ofState management; ensuring the quality and safety of products and goods.
At the same time, the project will focus on raising awareness among the public,agencies, organisations and enterprises on traceability through disseminationof information and training for related parties; ensuring publicity andtransparency of information on traceability of products and goods on themarket; providing essential information and knowledge about traceability.
Regarding specific objectives, the PM clearly defined that, by 2020, the legalsystem on traceability will be reviewed. At least five national standards andone national technical criterion will be issued. A system of traceability willbe applied to some groups of products such as the agro-forestry-fishery sector,food, medicines as well as construction.
The scheme also stated that by 2025, at least 30 national criteria and twonational technical standards on traceability will be established.
In addition, a minimum of 30 percent of enterprises operating in the fields ofproduction, business and services using codes and bar codes in Vietnam havetraceability systems applying national and international standards, ensuringinteroperability and data exchange with domestic and international businesstraceability systems.
By 2030, the portal on national product and goods traceability will be able toserve the need of exchanging and exploiting information among domestic andinternational enterprises, organisations and individuals; perfecting themanagement and updating the system of domestic and international products andgoods databases.
In order to fulfil the goals, the project set a series of tasks and solutionssuch as perfecting the legal system; issuing guiding documents on producttracing; applying a synchronous system on national traceability; boostinginternational cooperation in terms of traceability; as well as operating thenational portal on tracing product origins. - VNA