Vietnam, Ukraine to boost multifaceted links

Vietnam and Ukraine have agreed to boost cooperation in energy, machinery production, aviation and the transfer of technology between the two countries in the time to come.
Vietnam and Ukraine have agreed to boost cooperation in energy, machinery production, aviation and the transfer of technology between the two countries in the time to come.

The agreement was reached at working sessions between Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai and Ukrainian leaders that included Prime Minister Nikolai Azarov, Deputy Prime Minister Tigipko, Mayor of Kiev province Potriasiunov, and Standing Vice Mayor of Kharkov province Dulup, during Hai’s visit to Ukraine from December 1 – 4.

Apart from discussing measures to implement agreements reached during the visits by the two countries’ leaders, the two sides agreed to start negotiations for the Vietnam – Ukraine free trade agreement scheduled for next January, describing it as a breakthrough that helps boost two-way trade for the future.

They stressed the need to finalise the legal foundation for bilateral economic and trade cooperation through the promotion of negotiations and signing of agreements on investment protection, agriculture, animal and plant quarantine.

The Ukrainian side said they are willing to modernise energy facilities and build power plants in Vietnam , and pledged to create all possible favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community in Ukraine .

At a meeting with Ukrainian businesses, Hai said the Vietnamese State and Government will always facilitate international and Ukrainian firms’ operations. He said he hopes the two countries’ entrepreneurs will actively seek effective ways to cooperate and increase two-way trade.

Local businesses said they would like to further engage in Vietnamese projects, including power plants, coal and mineral resource mining, transportation, construction, and oil and gas mining and processing. They added that they were enthusiastic to connect with Vietnam ’s farm produce, aquaculture and fishery products.

While receiving Hai, leaders of the Antonov aircraft plant expressed their interest in the Vietnamese civil aviation market, especially the trading of small- and medium-sized civil aircraft to serve Vietnam ’s domestic flights.

At a meeting with the Vietnamese community living and working in Ukraine , Hai affirmed that the Vietnamese Party, State and Government are interested in the protection of Vietnamese citizens in foreign countries and in Ukraine in particular. They will do their utmost to help the Vietnamese expatriates settle in the European country, he added.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade leaders also presented certificates of merit to outstanding Vietnamese entrepreneurs in recognition of their contributions to increased trade and investment between the two countries./.VNA

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