Vietnam urges conducive environment for Middle East peace process

The United Nations Security Council held a briefing on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question, on November 30.
Vietnam urges conducive environment for Middle East peace process ảnh 1Palestinian protestors clash with Israeli police at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem on May 10, 2021. (Photo: AFP/VNA)

New York (VNA) – TheUnited Nations Security Council held a briefing on the situation in the MiddleEast, including the Palestinian question, on November 30.

Addressing the event,Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, expressedconcerns over the continued violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,particularly in the West Bank. The number of attacks by settlers in the firstten months of 2021 was the highest recorded level of violence in recent years.

He pointedout that another alarming trend on the ground is the continued expansion ofsettlements by Israel in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and that thoseactivities constitute violations of international law and relevant UNresolutions.

Vietnamcalls upon the Israeli authorities to end all settlement activities andunilateral acts that erode the hopes for a just and sustainable solution to theconflict, the diplomat said.

Headded that Vietnam welcomes the recent statement and efforts by the Quartetand the Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee to advance the two-State solution and assistthe Palestinian Authority in the face of its acute financial situation.

Vietnamencourages further engagement of all stakeholders to create a conduciveenvironment for broad and significant dialogues and negotiations, according tothe ambassador.

Onthe humanitarian front, Quy appealed to relevant parties for facilitatinghumanitarian and reconstruction efforts in Gaza, saying that UN staff andmembers of international humanitarian organisations should be able to enter andexit Gaza without any restrictions.

Vietnam also voiced support for comprehensive,sustainable, and long-term solutions to this issue.

At the briefing, memberstates of the Security Council expressed their concerns over the risk oftension re-escalation. Many showed their opposition to and called for an end toIsrael’s expansion of settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, anddemolition and taking over of homes and assets of Palestinians.

Some called on the Quartet toorganise an international conference involving the relevant stakeholders toreactivate the stagnant peace process. Many states also underlined thenecessity for ensuring a favourable environment for post-conflict humanitarianactivities and reconstruction in Gaza./.


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