The four-day visit, led by Head of the CPV CentralCommittee’s Commission for External Relations Hoang Binh Quan, was madeat the invitation of the Unified Left Movement of Dominica (MIU).
Duringthe talks with MIU General Secretary Miguel Mejia, Quan reiterated thatthe friendship between CPV and MIU has been growing with many signedbilateral agreements.
He said he hopes the two sides will continue working closely to accelerate bilateral relations.
Laudingthe socio-economic achievements that the Dominican Republic hasgained over the past years as well as MIU’s contributions to thecountry’s development, Quan expressed belief that with the efforts bythe government and political parties, including the MIU, Dominicanpeople will record more success in their development process.
RegardingChina’s illegal placement of its Haiyang Shiyou – 981 oil rig inVietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, Quanunderscored that the act seriously violated Vietnam ’s sovereignty,infringed international law and threatened maritime security and safetyin the East Sea .
He said Vietnam is determined toresolutely safeguard its sovereignty and legitimate rights in accordancewith international law, and demands China not to repeat suchillegal move again.
For his part, Miguel Mejia affirmed MIU’s constant support to Vietnam in its cause of national construction and development.
He said CPV’s leadership experience is important to MIU in its process of enhancing its role in Dominican politic system.
TheMIU leader also pledged to continue exerting efforts to foster thefriendship and cooperation between the two parties and peoples, as wellas the two country’s partnership in economics, trade and investment.
Duringthe visit, the CPV delegation paid a courtesy call to Vice PresidentMargarita Cedeno de Fernandez and attended a special session of theDominica’s National Congress.
They also had meetings with speakers ofthe Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Dominican National Congress andheld working sessions with a number of Dominican government officials.
Duringthe meetings, Quan proposed that the two countries soon launchnegotiations for agreements on investment encouragement and protection,and double tax avoidance, while creating favourable conditions forbusinesses of both countries to seek opportunities in each other’smarket.
He suggested that the Dominican Republic recogniseVietnam’s market economy status and support the country’s bid for anon-permanent seat in the UN Security Council for the 2020-2021 tenure.
Quanalso informed the host of the East Sea tension and Vietnam’s constantstance of settling disputes through peaceful measures in accordance withinternational law, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of theSea.
Dominican officials stated that they will continue workinghard to bolster the friendship and cooperation between the twocountries, especially in economics and trade.
Regarding the EastSea issue, they spoke highly of Vietnam ’s attitude of restraintand goodwill, as well as its stance of seeking peaceful solutions. Theyunderscored that national sovereignty of all countries as well asinternational law must be respected.-VNA