Vietnamese corporate culture campaign to be launched

A campaign to build Vietnamese corporate culture will be launched in Hanoi on November 7, as heard a press conference in Hanoi on November 1.
Vietnamese corporate culture campaign to be launched ảnh 1In Ho Chi Minh City (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – A campaign to build Vietnamese corporate culture will be launched in Hanoi on November 7, as heard a press conference in Hanoi on November 1.

The drive, to be launched by the Vietnamese Association of Business Culture and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, is meant to realise the Prime Minister’s Decision issued on September 26, 2016, in which November 10 is chosen as Vietnam Corporate Culture Day.

Following the launch ceremony, the association will raise awareness of the public, especially the business community, of the importance of building corporate culture amid global integration, drive back negative phenomena in manufacturing and trading, improve business climate, as well as invite foreign firms to join the effort.

Each year, the association will honour outstanding firms and entrepreneurs in developing corporate culture with national prizes. It is working with ministries and agencies to draft a set of criteria for the selection and awarding.

Recently, the association coordinated with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to hold a seminar on building corporate and entrepreneurs’ culture for sustainable development, during which participants shared view that culture is a decisive factor for the success of businesses.-VNA


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