Vietnamese culture interests Italians

Vietnam’s land, people and cultural identities have been featured during Vietnam Day in Venice, Italy, fascinating Italian friends and overseas Vietnamese (OV) in the country.
Vietnamese culture interests Italians ảnh 1A Vietnamese dragon boat joins the Vietnam Day in Venice. (Source: VNA)

Vietnam’s land, people and cultural identities have been featured during Vietnam Day in Venice, Italy, fascinating Italian friends and overseas Vietnamese (OV) in the country.

In his speech at the event, Renato Darsie, President of the Italy-Vietnam Friendship Association’s chapter in the Veneto region – the organiser, thanked the Vietnamese Embassy in Italy for coordinating cultural events promoting friendship between the two countries.

He hoped the event would contribute to forging links between Vietnam and the Veneto region, and Italy more broadly.

Vietnamese Commercial Counsellor Bui Vuong Anh praised the chapter’s efforts to arrange the significant event while expressing his heartfelt thanks for the valuable support provided by the Italian people for Vietnam during its previous revolutionary struggles and current national development and construction efforts.

He urged the chapter to continue organising meaningful events and thereby strengthen the bilateral relations and assist OVs living and working in Italy.

The programme included shows of Vietnam’s traditional costumes, offering foreign visitors a chance to learn about Vietnam’s history and culture.

Italian-language dramas relating to Vietnam’s Lac Long Quan-Au Co and Ho Ba Be (Ba Be Lake) legends were also played at the event.

Vietnamese students studying in Italy said they were moved by and very proud to join the event while foreign friends were excited by the programme.-VNA


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