Washington DC (VNA) – VietnameseAmbassador to the US Pham Quang Vinh emphasised the role of regional mechanismsin promoting trust building and cooperation in peace, stability and developmentin the region while attending a recent seminar on Asia-Pacific security.
Speaking at the seminar held by the Asia SocietyPolicy Institute (ASPI) in Washington DC to announce its “Preserving the LongPeace in Asia” report, Vinh highlighted the central role of ASEAN in building aregional structure, especially in leading and intensifying the efficiency ofthe East Asia Summit (EAS).
He also stressed the importance of the ASEANCharter and EAS statements in consolidating and improving ASEAN’s mechanisms,including the EAS.
ASEAN needs to boost its relations withpartners, for peace, cooperation and development in the region, Vinh suggested.
Introducing the report, ASPI President KevinRudd said that there are noteworthy changes and movements in the Asia-Pacificregion, together with the growing competition between powerful countries andnumerous traditional and non-traditional security challenges such as issues inthe East Sea and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, climate change andterrorism.
Therefore, it is necessary to improve and renewthe region’s security architectures to ensure a long peace in the region.
He also appreciated the development of ASEAN andASEAN-led mechanisms, and proposed allowing the EAS to have a bigger role incontrolling and solving disputes.
Founded in 1956, the Asia Society has sought toexplain the diversity of Asia to the United States and the complexity of theUnited States to Asia, and to be a bridge in problem-solving within the regionand between Asia and the wider world.-VNA