A FAN ID is a mandatory document for all thespectators of UEFA EURO 2020 matches in Saint Petersburg (Russia) in 2021.
According to the department, manyVietnamese citizens using Fan IDs have been denied entry to Russia and deporteddue to they using the document for the wrong purpose or failing to prove thatthey travel to Russia to watch the tournament.
The department urged Vietnamesefans to thoroughly study Russia’s regulations about entry-exit, residenceregistration and air tickets, as well as banned activities when travelling tothe country.
Those who need urgent support cancontact the citizen protection hotlines of the Vietnamese Embassy in Russia (7-903-182-1617),the Vietnamese General Consulate in Ekaterinburg (7-343-253-0284 /7-965-506-6868), the Vietnamese General Consulate in Vladivostok(7-914-708-0939), or Vietnam’s citizen protection hotline (84-981-848-484)./.