Vietnamese, French communist parties forge links

The French Communist Party (PCF) plays a special role in the Vietnam-France strategic partnership, and its relations with the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) are developing well in various fields, Politburo member Le Hong Anh has said.
The French Communist Party (PCF) plays a special role in the Vietnam-France strategic partnership, and its relations with the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) are developing well in various fields, Politburo member Le Hong Anh has said.

Le Hong Anh, who is also permanent member of the CPV Central Committee’s Secretariat, made the remark while working with the PCF National Secretary Pierre Laurent, upon his arrival in Paris on October 16.

He underlined Vietnam’s foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, diversification and multi-lateralisation of external relations, adding the country is a friend, reliable partner, and responsible member of the international community.

He thanked the PCF and French people for supporting his country during the past struggle for liberation and unification as well as the current national construction and defence.

The official informed the host of Vietnam’s socio-economic situation over the past few years, along with the review of the 30-year Doi moi (Renewal) process and preparations for the 12th National Party Congress in early 2016.

Pierre Laurent suggested enhancing the special, traditional relationship between the two parties in a practical manner.

He confirmed that his party will actively coordinate with the CPV in preparation for the second joint theory conference to be held in Vietnam next May.

Regarding the East Sea issue, Pierre Laurent hailed Vietnam’s stance on resolutely safeguarding national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and addressing any disputes through peaceful means and in respect of international law.

The Vietnamese official later worked with First Secretary of the French Socialist Party Jean-Christophe Cambadelis to seek measures to push the relations between the two parties and the two nations forward.

Earlier on October 15, Le Hong Anh met with Vietnamese people in Azerbaijan.-VNA

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