Vietnamese girls triumph over Kazakhstan

Vietnamese volleyball club Lien Viet Postbank were crowned champions of the VTV Binh Dien 2013 international volleyball tournament after defeating the favourites, Kazakhstan's Karaganda, in a five-set thriller on March 10.
Vietnamese volleyball club Lien Viet Postbank were crowned champions of the VTV Binh Dien 2013 international volleyball tournament after defeating the favourites, Kazakhstan's Karaganda, in a five-set thriller on March 10.

The Vietnamese girls sealed the first set with a 25-17 victory.

Karaganda dominated the start of the second set, and won 25-20.

The teams reached 22-22 in the third set before Lien Viet found an extra gear and went ahead with a 25-22 victory.

Karaganda took the fourth set 25-19, forcing the final into a fifth and decisive set which Lien Viet won 15-11.-VNA

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