Vietnamese in Laos commemorate fallen soldiers in Gac Ma battle

Vietnamese in Laos paid tribute to 64 soldiers who sacrificed their lives to defend Gac Ma (Johnson South) Reef in Vietnam’s Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago 34 years ago, at a requiem at Phat Tich Pagoda in Vientiane capital on March 14.
Vietnamese in Laos commemorate fallen soldiers in Gac Ma battle ảnh 1At the event. (Photo: VNA)
Vientiane (VNA) – Vietnamese in Laos paid tribute to 64 soldiers who sacrificed their lives to defend Gac Ma (Johnson South) Reef in Vietnam’s Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago 34 years ago, at a requiem at Phat Tich Pagoda in Vientiane capital on March 14.

Venerable Thich Minh Quang, head of the coordinating board of Buddhism in Laos and head monk of the pagoda, recalled the Gac Ma battle that took place on March 14, 1988, and stressed the significance of the requiem.

He called on young generations to carry forward the tradition of safeguarding the country’s sovereignty over its land, seas, islands and continental shelf, and make contributions to the nation.

Nguyen Thi Dieu Binh, a Vietnamese in Laos, said the requiem reminds youths about Vietnam’s indisputable sovereignty over Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagos./.

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