Vietnamese, Iranian Presidents hold talks

President Truong Tan Sang and his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani have agreed to increase the exchange of high-level delegations and meetings between the two countries.
Vietnamese, Iranian Presidents hold talks ảnh 1President Truong Tan Sang (L) talks with his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani (Photo: VNA)

Tehran (VNA) – President Truong Tan Sang and his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani have agreed to increase the exchange of high-level delegations and meetings between the two countries.

The consensus was reached during the two leaders’ talks in Tehran city on March 14 as part of President Sang’s State visit to the Middle East country.

Host and guest were unanimous in their stance on regional and international issues, especially at the UN and the Non-Aligned Movement, while supporting each other at international forums and organisations.

The Iranian President described President Truong Tan Sang’s visit as a major event, particularly at a time when Iran is about to welcome its traditional New Year, saying it opens up a new period of cooperation between the two countries.

Vietnam and Iran have both experienced wars and embargoes, he said, suggesting the the two countries make greater efforts to fulfill joint targets for the interests of their people.

The leaders held that historical similarities and the mutual support of the two countries’ people have served as fundamental foundations for bilabial ties to further develop.

They said both countries have enormous potential to boost socio-economic development and should strive to further cooperate in economy, trade and investment to raise two-way trade to 2 billion USD in the next five years.

They hailed the State Bank of Vietnam and the Central Bank of Iran for signing a cooperation agreement, which creates a foundation to enhance the two nations’ trade and investment affiliation.

The two sides pledged to create all favourable conditions for businesses to increase collaboration in high-potential fields such as agriculture, fisheries, industry, energy, telecommunication, automobile manufacturing, electricity, pharmaceutical products, spare parts, machinery, garment-textiles, mechanics, oil and gas, and tourism.

President Truong Tan Sang proposed Iran enables the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam) and the military-run telecom group Viettel to expand investment in and to provide telecom services to Iran.

The host promised to encourage Iranian enterprises to cooperate with Vietnam in these fields.

The two leaders said they will ask relevant ministries and agencies to actively prepare for the organisation of the 9 th joint committee between the two countries in the Iranian capital Tehran.

They expressed their hope that the two countries’ businesses will reach cooperation agreements at a business forum on March 15.

In addition to economy and investment, the Presidents also stressed the need to expand affiliation to tourism, culture and people-to-people exchanges.

They agreed to increase exchanges between students and experts. The Iranian President appreciated the Persian language department in Vietnam and hopes the Southeast Asian country will open more courses on Iran.

Both host and guest were unanimous in pushing ahead with negotiations towards the early signing of cooperation agreements in finance, floral quarantine and protection, information and communication.

They also exchanged regional and international issues of mutual concern such as terrorism, border and territorial disputes in Southeast Asia and Asia-Pacific.

President Truong Tan Sang showed his support for “The World Against Violence and Extremism” (WAVE) initiated by Iran.

The two sides confirmed they would work closely together to make active contributions to maintaining peace in the world, adding that all disputes must be settled through dialogues and peaceful means based on respecting international law.

President Hassan Rouhani said he will arrange a Vietnam visit in the near future.

President Truong Tan Sang paid State visits to Tanzania, Mozambique and Iran from March 9 – 15.-VNA


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