Vietnamese language class for children in Ukraine opens

A new school year opening ceremony of a Vietnamese language class for Vietnamese children in Kiev city, Ukraine, has been held.
Vietnamese language class for children in Ukraine opens ảnh 1At the opening ceremony of the Vietnamese class in Ukraine (Photo: VNA)
Moscow (VNA) – A new school year opening ceremony of a Vietnamese language class for Vietnamese children in Kiev city, Ukraine, has been held.

The event, held on September 11 at High School 308’s Up & Go language centre, was attended by representatives of the Vietnamese Embassy in Ukraine, the Association of Vietnamese People in Kiev, Vietnamese organisations in Kiev, donors, parents and nearly 50 students of the Vietnamese language class.

Counsellor at the Vietnamese Embassy in Ukraine Ho Trung Thanh extended his greetings to teachers and students on the occasion of the 2019-2020 new school year, while expressing his joy about the development of the Vietnamese language class in Kiev.

He highly appreciated the efforts of teachers and students in organising the Vietnamese Language Olympic competition at the end of the previous school year.

At the event, teacher Do Thi Hoa Ly reviewed the situation of the 2018-2019 school year, thanked the Embassy, the Association of Vietnamese People in Kiev and the class’s organising board, who have offered teachers the opportunity to contribute to preserve Vietnamese.

Thanks to support from the Association of Vietnamese People in Kiev, the Vietnamese language class for Vietnamese children was launched last September./.

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