The performance was delivered by a choir of over30 singers from the Que Huong (The Homeland Choir) and the Rouen symphonyorchestra.
Children from the Europe-Vietnam group in Francealso got engaged in the event.
French conductor Claude Brendel said the showhad been much awaited and he felt very satisfied and happy.
Meanwhile violinist Juliette said she felt verylucky to perform in Paris to share the two countries’ cultural interaction.
Nguyen Thanh Hang, an overseas Vietnamese inFrance, said “The performance was a big success. The orchestra devoted to theaudience melodies praising Vietnam’s land and culture.”
Hop Ca Que Huong of the Vietnamese community inFrance was established in 2009 with over 30 members.
The choir has performed in various localities inFrance, including Choisy Le Roy – the twinning city with Vietnam.
Last July, it coordinated with the French Rouensymphony orchestra to produce a high-quality CD featuring Vietnamese epics.
On the sidelines of the event, the organisingboard displayed some photos and maps highlighting Vietnam’s sea and islandsovereignty./.