Vietnamese shooter wins silver at world event

Vietnamese shooter Hoang Xuan Vinh won a silver medal in the men's 50m pistol category on September 3, at the World Cup Final Rifle/Pistol 2015 being held in Munich, Germany.
Vietnamese shooter wins silver at world event ảnh 1Vietnamese shooter Hoang Xuan Vinh (Source: VNA)

Vietnamese shooter Hoang Xuan Vinh won a silver medal in the men's 50m pistol category on September 3, at the World Cup Final Rifle/Pistol 2015 being held in Munich, Germany.

Ranked sixth with 555 points in the preliminary round, Vinh was one of eight shooters who entered the finals in the 50m pistol men's class.

In the final, Vinh won 189.3 points and the silver medal, while China's Zhang Bowen won the gold medal with 192.6 points, with the bronze medal going to Wang Zhiwei, also from China, who got 173.6 points.

Eighty-five shooters from 28 countries are competing in the World Cup Final Rifle/Pistol 2015, which will end on September 7.-VNA


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