Vietnamese teachers appreciated at Hanoi ceremony

President Truong Tan Sang and other senior officials joined exemplary teachers from all corners of the country at a ceremony in Hanoi on November 13 to mark the Vietnamese Teachers’ Day (November 20).
President Truong Tan Sang and other senior officials joined exemplary teachers from all corners of the country at a ceremony in Hanoi on November 13 to mark the Vietnamese Teachers’ Day (November 20).

Minister of Education and Training Pham Vu Luan said between 1988 and 2012, the People’s Teacher title was bestowed upon 528 individuals while 6,735 others received the title of Meritorious Teacher.

Among 39 holders of the People’s Teacher title this year, the oldest is Prof. Le Quang Long, 95, from the Hanoi National University of Education.

The youngest among 680 new Meritorious Teachers is 34-year-old Mai Thi Tham from southern Binh Phuoc province and 19 are ethnic minorities, Luan said.

Congratulating Vietnamese educators on their Day, President Truong Tan Sang highlighted the educational sector’s efforts to innovate its management, curricula, teaching, learning, and assessment methods, and improve the living and studying conditions for teachers and students in rural areas.

He asked the ministry and the whole society to pay more heed to the education cause.

At the ceremony, the leader presented the titles of People’s Teacher and Meritorious Teacher to representatives of the awardees.

The Vietnamese Teachers’ Day (November 20) officially came into being in 1982.-VNA

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