Hoang Minh Chien, deputy head of the MoIT’s Vietnam TradePromotion Agency, said the Vietnamese brand value is among those with thefastest growth rates in the world in the 2019-2022 period.
He cited a report by Brand Finance - the world'sleading brand valuation consulting company – as showing that the value rosefrom 247 billion USD in 2019 to 388 billion USD in 2021 and 431 billion USDthis year.
The brand value of the top 50 local firms also grew36%, higher than that of Singapore, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, China, Japanand Thailand, according to UK-based Brand Finance.
Chien attributed the results to the sound guidelinesand policies by the Party and the State, and the drastic management by the Government in economic, political, diplomatic, cultural and socialactivities, helping to raise the value and position of the Vietnamese brand inthe international arena.
He also highlighted positive effects of the VietnamNational Brand Programme (Vietnam Value), launched in 2003 to promote Vietnamas a country with high-quality goods and services and strengthen Vietnamesebusinesses’ competitiveness locally and internationally.
Regarding orientations for the programme, he saidthe MoIT will coordinate with other ministries and agencies to raise publicawareness of the significance of brand building and development in production andbusiness, and call for the participation of enterprises in the programmeimplementation./.