Vietnam’s northwestern localities step up cooperation with China’s Yunnan province

The northwestern provinces of Lao Cai, Ha Giang, Lai Chau and Dien Bien and China’s Yunnan province have agreed to enhance cooperation in the time ahead with a view to building a borderline of peace, stability and friendship.
Vietnam’s northwestern localities step up cooperation with China’s Yunnan province ảnh 1The four northwestern provinces of Vietnam and China's Yunnan province agree to promote cooperation in the time ahead. (Photo: VNA)
Lao Cai (VNA) – The northwestern provinces of Lao Cai, Ha Giang, Lai Chau and Dien Bien and China’s Yunnan province have agreed to enhance cooperation in the time ahead with a view to building a borderline of peace, stability and friendship.

The consensus was reached at an online conference between the Secretaries of the Party Committees of the four Vietnamese provinces and the Secretary of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee on May 18.

The event, the first of kind held between the provinces, aimed to evaluate cooperation among the localities in recent times, and discuss challenges that need to be addressed so as to develop the Vietnam – China comprehensive strategic collaboration partnership in a stable and sustainable fashion.

Attending the conference, head of the Commission for External Relations under the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Le Hoai Trung spoke highly of the sound cooperation between the two sides in the past time.

He expressed his hope that they will work together to capitalise on their strengths and potential, making contributions to the socio-economic development in each province, as well as the stability and prosperity of the two nations.

Meanwhile, head of the International Liaison Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee Song Tao commended the organisation of the conference, affirming his department stands ready to cooperate with the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations to bolster friendship exchange and collaboration between localities of both nations.
Vietnam’s northwestern localities step up cooperation with China’s Yunnan province ảnh 2Participants at the online conference (Photo: VNA)
The Party chiefs of the five localities were unanimous to maintain regular meetings to promote mutual understanding, handle bottlenecks in cooperation in a timely manner, and build suitable coordination mechanisms.

They also gave their consent that it is necessary to implement three legal documents on Vietnam – China land border, and minutes of the meetings of the Vietnam – China Land Border Joint Committee.

Additionally, they agreed to ask competent authorities for approval to organise the second conference in the first quarter of 2022./.

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