Vietnam’s role in Asian Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions

The State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV) has strengthened its position and role in the Asian Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) 20 years after joining the organisation.
Vietnam’s role in Asian Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions ảnh 1The State Audit Office of Vietnam's headquarters (Source:

Hanoi (VNA) – The State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV) has strengthened its position and role in the Asian Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) 20 years after joining the organisation.

The membership of ASOSAI has created favourable conditions for the SAV to update its professional knowledge and share experience with international counterparts.

According to Auditor General Ho Duc Phoc, the SAV has actively participated in ASOSAI’s activities. In 2009, Vietnam for the first time became a member of the ASOSAI executive committee for 2009-2012 at the 11th ASOSAI Assembly in Pakistan. The event marked a new stage in the SAV’s integration process.

During the term, the SAV contributed to the adoption of the ASOSAI’s strategic plan for 2011-2015.

It also worked to promote research activities in the ASOSAI community. As member of the ASOSAO Governing Board for 2009-2012, Vietnam hosted the meeting of the 9th research project on assessing and improving internal audit and the relation between internal audit units and the supreme audit institutions, and the 2nd meeting of the 10th research project on auditing to assess anti-corruption and anti-money laundering.

The SAV also successfully hosted many important events of ASOSAI, including the 42nd meeting of the ASOSAI Governing Board in Hanoi in August 2010.

The Vietnamese audit agency has also trained personnel for its Lao counterpart and conduced joint audit programmes with many foreign counterparts.
In February 2015, the 13th Assembly of ASOSAI officially approved Vietnam’s hosting of the 14th Assembly in 2018, which means the SAV will automatically serve on the ASOSAI Governing Board for three consecutive terms from 2015 to 2024, and as Chairman of ASOSAI in the 2018-2021 tenure.

The 14th ASOSAI Assembly will take place in Hanoi from September 19 to 22 under the theme “Environmental Audit for Sustainable Development”.

 The SAV’s hosting of the 14th ASOSAI conference and its seat in the ASOSAI Governing Board for 2015-2024 marked a milestone in Vietnam’s membership of the regional auditing organisation.-VNA


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