HCM City (VNA) - Viettel Group’s Customer Insightsproduct won a bronze award in the research and development category at theASEAN ICT Awards 2016 in Brunei late November.
Thiswas the first time a Vietnamese product won in Big Data. Viettel Group’sCustomer Insights won over 100 other products from Southeast Asia to enter theround of 18 finalists. The final round was organised in late August in Myanmar.
Thesystem was built with the Real-Time Big Data Analytics Platform, whichclassifies and analyses telecommunications customers’ consumption activities.
Thishelps companies make business decisions in telecommunications, e-commerce andadvertising.
CustomerInsights, which was set up in 2013, helped Viettel become the first Vietnamesecompany with a Big Data application. It supports Viettel customers and offerstelecommunication packages based on each person’s needs.
Thisyear, Vietnamese company Early Start with its Monkey Junior software won a goldaward in the Start-ups category.-VNA