Vinh Phuc has 53 major energy users

There are 53 major energy users in the northern province of Vinh Phuc, more than 98 percent of them are industrial enterprises.
Vinh Phuc has 53 major energy users ảnh 1Workers at Young Poong Electronics Vina Co., Ltd, one of the major energy users in Vinh Phuc province in 2018 (Photo:

Vinh Phuc (VNA) – There are 53 major energy users in the northern province of Vinh Phuc, more than 98 percent of them are industrial enterprises.

Under Decision No.1469/QD-TTg dated October 28, 2019, Vietnam has more than 2,600 key energy consumers, including over 2,100 industrial producers, 11 agricultural production facilities, over 70 transporters, and 410 construction works.

Decree No.21/2011/ND-CP regulated that major energy users are industrial and agricultural production establishments and transport units which annually consume energy of a total of 1,000 tonnes of oil equivalent (1,000 TOE) or higher, and construction works used as offices and houses, educational, medical, entertainment, physical training and sports establishments, hotels, supermarkets, restaurants and shops which annually consume 500 tonnes of oil equivalent (500 TOE) or higher.

The key energy consumers must build annual and five-year plans on using energies in an effective manner and in line with their production and business plans, and they are required to report their plans to local authorities, according to the Law on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy.

Besides, they must carry out energy audit every three years, and apply energy management models as instructed by competent authorities./.

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