VN attends 10th ACD ministerial meeting

A Vietnamese delegation led by Deputy Foreign Minister Le Luong Minh attended the 10 th Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) Ministerial Meeting in Kuwait from Oct. 10-11.
A Vietnamese delegation led by Deputy Foreign Minister Le Luong Minh attended the 10 th Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) Ministerial Meeting in Kuwait from Oct. 10-11.

Themed, “Towards a better future for Asian cooperation”, the event was chaired by Kuwaiti Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mohamed Al-Sabah and drew the participation of foreign ministers and head delegates of 31 ACD member countries.

The delegates focused on discussing impacts and measures against global economic crises for Asian countries, opportunities to draw investment and measures to use natural resources reasonably in Asian countries, cooperation in technology, transport and environment, and cultural cooperation and the role of young people.

Addressing the event, Deputy FM Minh affirmed that Asia plays an increasingly important role in the global economy and cooperative achievements during the past 10 years provided favourable conditions to improve efficiency of ACD cooperation in the near future.

Vietnam is willing to cooperate with ACD member countries to contribute to sustainable development and prosperity in the region, Minh affirmed.

Deputy FM Minh stressed the need for a renovation in the development model of countries in the context of globalisation and changes in the global economy, with human resource development policy playing a key role.

Minh also asked member countries to help each other in sharing experience in human resource development, improving capability of designing and carrying out human resource development policy, implementing cooperative programmes in the fields of education, vocational training and job creation in combination with poverty reduction and sustainable development policies.

The event adopted a joint declaration which affirmed pathways for cooperation among member countries, with promotion of economic and trade links as a high priority, as well as strengthening existing cooperative fields.

The 11 th ACD Ministerial Meeting will be held in Tajikistan in 2012./.

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