VN public security delegation visits Cambodia

A high-ranking delegation from the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security led by Minister Tran Dai Quang nơ on a working visit to Cambodia,held talks with Sar Kheng, Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior on Sept. 8.
A high-ranking delegation from the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security led by Minister Tran Dai Quang nơ on a working visit to Cambodia,held talks with Sar Kheng, Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior on Sept. 8.

Minister, Quang stressed the significance of the fruitful traditional relationship between Vietnam and Cambodia in different periods.

Vietnam and Cambodia need to consolidate and expand their cooperation in national defence and security, especially the prevention of transnational crimes.

The Vietnamese minister underlined the resolve of the two countries’ leaders in building a peaceful and stable common border line and cooperating for mutual development, as well as their commitments to the principle of not allowing hostile forces using one country’s territory to launch activities harmful the other’s security.

Both host and guest agreed to continue implementing agreements signed by the two ministries, especially the Cooperation Plan in 2011 between the two countries’ public security agencies in crime prevention, social security and order, and personnel training.

Minister, Sar Kheng briefed his guest on his country’s political and socio-economic development in the first seven months of this year, saying the situation incambodia’s border area with Thailand is becoming stable, creating conditions for Cambodia to improve and enhance cooperative ties with Thailand.

On the same day, the Vietnamese delegation paid a courtesy visit to Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen.

Earlier, the delegation on Sept. 7 laid a wreath at the Independence Monument and the Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship Monument. They are scheduled to conclude the visit on Sep. 9./.

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