Vocational training improves local livelihood in Ly Son district

Vocational training and job creation are key strategies for providing sustainable livelihoods for rural workers, especially the poor. This approach serves as a "key" for localities in the central province of Quang Ngai to address challenges in achieving sustainable poverty reduction and improving the living standards of residents.

After receiving tourism service training, Nguyen Cong Vu, a local resident in Ly Son island district and his wife set up a tourist information centre. They took out loans to buy vehicles for tourist transportation and now work as tour guides.

In Bac An Binh hamlet, 100 households have traditionally engaged in fishing and growing garlic. However, in recent years, fishing and garlic cultivation have faced increasing challenges. Many families have turned to tourism for better income opportunities.

In 2023, Ly Son district organized tourism service training course for low-income households on the island. The course equipped residents with the knowledge and skills necessary for sustainable tourism.

Ly Son currently has 6,170 households, with 8,870 people of working age, most of whom lack stable employment. Since 2023, as part of the national sustainable poverty reduction programme, the district has collaborated with the local Employment Services Center and businesses to promote job training aligned with local strengths and labor market demands.

The district has also facilitated labour export, providing high-income opportunities and exposure to advanced work environments.

To ensure effective vocational training and job creation, Ly Son district has partnered with relevant agencies to improve the skills of communications officers and consultants at the grassroots level. These efforts are helping residents secure stable jobs and escape poverty./.