Hanoi (VNA) – General Secretary of the CommunistParty of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong met with voters in Ba Dinh,Tay Ho and Hoan Kiem districts, Hanoi, on May 13 to inform them about theplanned agenda of the 14th National Assembly’s fifth session andlisten to their opinions on a number of issues.
Tran Quoc Hoan, a voter in Ba Dinh district, said he isdelighted with achievements the country has recorded in socio-economicdevelopment and external affairs, helping improve the country’s role andposition in the international arena.
He said serious corruption cases brought to light over thepast time have demonstrated the Party’s drastic actions against corruption andother bad deeds.
Hoan also applauded outcomes of the seventh plenary sessionof the 12-tenure Party Central Committee Central Committee, which took placefrom May 7-12, with three important resolutions approved.
He described the ideological, ethical and lifestyledegradation as a disease that has appeared for a long time and been identifiedas a threat to the existence of the Party and the regime.
The disease must be prevented, he said, citing casesinvolving Trinh Xuan Thanh and other high-ranking police officers to clarifyhis view.
Echoing Hoan’s view, Nguyen Huy Yen, a voter in Ba Dinhdistrict, stressed the determination and drastic actions taken by the Party tofight corruption and other bad deeds.
The voter expressed his hope that the Party and State willtake more drastic actions to combat corruption in order to create public trustand momentum for socio-economic development.
Nguyen Khac Thinh from Ba Dinh district said voters agreedwith a policy that the secretary of a party committee is not a local. It isnecessary to have close regulations on the collection of vote of confidence forofficials.
Voters also said that officials must be responsible for explaining the originsof their assets, ensuring openness and transparency.
Nguyen Duc Manh from Hoan Kiem district held that officials’ assets should bepublicised in their residential areas.
The people wish the Party and State to engage in corruption prevention, hesaid, stressing the need for effective measures to prevent any acts to revengecorruption denouncers and resolutely reclaim fishy assets.
Another voter from Hoan Kiem district, Pham Van Quang, said it is necessary tobuild strong and pure party cells in order to make the corruption fight morepractical and effective.
The revision of the Anti-corruption Law must be closely supervised and strictersanctions need to be put into place while heads of agencies and units wherecorruption acts are detected must take the responsibility, said Nguyen CongHoa, another voter from Hoan Kiem district.
At the meetings, Hanoi voters pointed outmany pressing issues that need to be addressed thoroughly, includingdeforestation, fire prevention, food safety, urban planning, andeducation-training.
Welcoming local residents’ opinions, PartyGeneral Secretary Trong exchanged views on each issue mentioned, noting thatthese opinions are the basis for deputies to report to the NA and make effortsto solve problems.
With regard to voters’ interest in thecorruption fight, he said this is a critically important but also complicatedwork. The combat against corruption has gained initial important outcomesrecently, a result unable to be achieved without people’s support, which hasconsolidated the resolve to continue this fight.
He shared many participants’ view that thecorruption fight has become a trend, and no one can be an outsider of thistrend.
However, there remains much to be done andstronger, persistent and resolute actions are needed to fight corruption andnegative phenomena, especially at grassroots levels.
General Secretary Trong said it is necessary topromote the supervisory role of the NA, People’s Councils and Party members toprevent corruption, he said, adding that firm and careful steps must be made inthis work.
He said the corruption fight must be carried outin association with the implementation of the resolution on organising a leanand efficient apparatus, issued at the sixth plenary session of the 12th-tenureParty Central Committee, the resolutions on the salary and social insurancepolicy reforms, issued at the freshly-concluded seventh plenum of the PartyCentral Committee, along with the resolution on personnel work.
If the fight against corruption, wastefulnessand negative phenomena is successful, the Party will become pure and strong andits combat capability will be strengthened, the leader added.-VNA