Votes of will, aspiration and citizenship

At polling stations, voters are divided into different groups based on their residence areas to avoid large gatherings and spread of the Covid-19 epidemic.
Votes of will, aspiration and citizenship ảnh 1Voters are exercising their citizenship rights to elect deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 term. (Photo: Hieu Hoang/Vietnam+)

Hanoi (VNA) - At polling stations, voters are divided into different groups based on their residence areas to avoid large gatherings and spread of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Casting ballots to elect deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 term, Pham Van Hoa said with excitement: “My vote contributes to deciding which candidate will be elected and this demonstrates people's right to mastery as enshrined in the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.”

At polling station No. 1, Dong Xuan Ward (Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi), health workers have seriously implemented epidemic prevention measures. All voters have their temperatures taken. Voters were provided with a medical declaration form at home, and when they come to vote, they can scan a QR code to make a medical declaration. At the reception desks, members of the election team were present to guide voters about the voting process.

This is the second time Mr. Hoa goes to the polls, but his emotions are still intact as the first time, he shared. Therefore, when he was given a voter card and the election regulations were announced, he and his family members were all eager and waiting for their turn to vote.

“With the responsibility and rights of a citizen, I hope that delegates elected today will be virtuous, talented, capable and true people, representing the will and aspirations of the people and they will be making important contributions to the country’s sustainable development, and trying their best for the prosperous life of the people,” said Mr. Hoa.

At the polling station No. 2, Tran Hung Dao ward (Hoan Kiem, Hanoi), 92-year-old Le Man presented a voter card that had been stamped "Voted" and chatted with his neighbors.

Uncle Man, who has voted many times, said that the delegates with wisdom coming from many walks of life and representing many fields in society, will shoulder all the responsibilities assigned by voters.

According to Mr. Man, if a delegate is elected by one person, that choice may be emotional and subjective, but if a person is elected by many people, the correctness of the vote is much higher, the probability of choosing the right people with talent and virtue will surely be higher.

Exercising his civil right and obligation, Venerable Thich Thanh Dien, Deputy Secretary General cum Chief of the Northern Office of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, was present very early at the voting area No. 2 in Tran Hung Dao ward (Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi).

According to the Venerable, people and Buddhists are very excited to be able to perform their civil rights and duties. He said even though he is a monk, he is still a citizen, so voting is his right and responsibility for society and the country.

“Candidates running for this election include monks. They will represent the people to give opinions on religious policies for the National Assembly,” emphasized Venerable Thich Thanh Dien.

Sitting nearby, 19-year-old voter Vu Minh Huyen, who voted for the first time, could not hide her thrill of being able to exercise the rights and obligations of citizens.

Last night, Huyen stayed late to study the voting process and procedures as well as the list of candidates. This young girl even read online action programs and contributions made by candidates to society in order to make the best choice.

“Voting is the right and obligation of citizens when they are old enough to vote. Going to the polls for the first time, I feel very proud and honored. This election takes place in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic, so it will be an unforgettable memory for me,” said the young voter.

For those who have to work in isolation areas for COVID-19 patients, like Ngoc Kim Loan at Hanoi Grand Center Hotel (78 Tho Nhuom, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi), the ward's Election Team has brought mobile ballot boxes to working places for these people to exercise their civil rights.

Votes of will, aspiration and citizenship ảnh 2Mobile ballot boxes were brought by the Election Team of Tran Hung Dao ward, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi to quarantine areas to help people to exercise their civil rights. (Photo: Hieu Hoang/Vietnam+)

“Due to isolation, for the first time, I have voted with special clothes including a protective suit, mask and gloves. In this difficult situation, I am still facilitated by the authorities to vote and exercise my citizenship, so I am very touched,” she said.

For Vietnamese citizens, regardless of who they are and what they are doing, May 23 is really a special day when they have a chance to exercise their right to mastery through choosing suitable candidates to the National Assembly and the People's Councils of all levels./.


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