Work starts on 72.4 mln USD wind power plant in Dak Nong

A groundbreaking ceremony for Asia Dak Song 1 wind power plant was held in Nam Binh commune, Dak Song district, the Central Highlands province of Dak Nong on January 4.
Work starts on 72.4 mln USD wind power plant in Dak Nong ảnh 1Dak Song district is considered the "capital" of wind power of Dak Nong province (Photo: VNA)

Dak Nong (VNA) – A groundbreaking ceremony for Asia Dak Song 1 wind power plant was held in Nam Binh commune, Dak Song district, the Central Highlands province of Dak Nong on January 4.

With a total investment capital of nearly 1.7 trillion VND (72.4 million USD), the project is the sixth of its kind being built in the province. It has a total capacity of 50MW, with 13 wind turbines. 

The project is expected put it into commercial operation in December 2024 with an annual production of about 173,000 MWh.

It is also the 11th power project developed by Asia Energy Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of Thailand's Super Energy Corporation Public Company Limited in Vietnam. Previously, the Thai group has put into operation nine solar and one wind power projects, with a total capacity of more than 886MW.

Speaking at the ceremony, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee  Le Trong Yen said that the project will contribute to promoting local socio-economic development via job generation as well as provide additional electricity for the national grid.

The province's six underway wind power projects, all located in Dak Song district, have a combined capacity of 430MW./.


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