Workshop discusses gender equality in Vietnam

The United Nations in Vietnam organised a workshop concerning the youths’ role in boosting gender equality in Vietnam in Hanoi on March 7.
Workshop discusses gender equality in Vietnam ảnh 1Illustrative photo (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The United Nations in Vietnam organised a workshop concerning the youths’ role in boosting gender equality in Vietnam in Hanoi on March 7.

The event gathered embassy representatives and 50 local students.

The students were divided into two groups, discussing the issue and proposing their initiatives.

Speaking at the workshop, UN Coordinator in Vietnam Pratibha Mehta noted gender equality should exist in government policies and their implementation.

The most important thing is to change these backward ideas on what women can and cannot do, or else all efforts will have little impact on society, she said.

According to her, UN programmes, including a satire drawing competition and a film-making contest, have helped eliminate several gender stereotypes in Vietnam.-VNA


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