Workshop on President Ho Chi Minh held in India

A workshop on President Ho Chi Minh was organised on December 17 in New Delhi by the Vietnamese Embassy in India and Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU).
Workshop on President Ho Chi Minh held in India ảnh 1Vietnamese Ambassador to India Pham Sanh Chau (R) at the workshop (Source: VNA)

New Delhi (VNA)
- A workshop on President Ho Chi Minh was organised on December 17 in New Delhi by the Vietnamese Embassy in India and Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU).

The event, which aimed to mark the 60th anniversary of the late Vietnamese leader’s official visit to India (1958-2018), draw the participation of Pham Sanh Chau, Vietnamese Ambassador to India, Sanjiv Sethi from the Southern Department of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, scholars and researchers of history and international relations, and students from the JNU.

Participants gave a number of reports on the history of Vietnam's struggle for national liberation and unification, the role played by President Ho Chi Minh as well as late Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in laying the foundation for the Vietnam-India relations.

They highlighted the contribution of President Ho Chi Minh to Vietnam’s modern diplomacy, saying his diplomatic career has left the Vietnamese diplomatic sector a great legacy, including the Vietnam-India relations that President Ho Chi Minh and PM Jawaharlal Nehru wholeheartedly nurtured and fostered.

A Q&A session on Vietnam’s modern history and issues related to the ties between the two nations was included in the workshop.-VNA 

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