Yen Bai (VNA) – Over 100pilots and a large number of visitors joined the opening ceremony of the “Flyingover rising water on terraced paddies” paragliding festival 2019 on May 25 atKhau Pha Pass, Mu Cang Chai district, Yen Bai province.
This is the third year the festival has been held in Yen Bai’s KhauPha mountain pass of Cao Pha commune in Mu Cang Chai district, at a height ofabout 1,270m ASL (480m AGL), where it is renowned for being one of the topfour famous mountain passes in the northwestern region for their stunningbeauty.
The sunny weather allowed local people and visitors to enjoy the captivatingperformances of domestic and international paragliding pilots.
Those tourists, who want to have an aerial view of Mu Cang Chai’s strikinglandscapes, could also register to fly with the pilots.
According to Luong Thi Xuyen, Vice Chairwoman of the Mu Cang Chai DistrictPeople's Committee, this year’s event took place on May 25-26 and there willbe about ten pilots who will perform on every Saturday and Sunday on thefollowing weeks.
On this occasion, Mu Cang Chai district also organized other activities, suchas local product and books display, and community-tourism tours for visitors.
“Flying over rising water on terraced paddies" festival is becoming asignature product of Yen Bai tourism.-VNA