On behalf of the congress’s presidium, Vo VanThuong reported on the results of the election of the Political Bureau, theParty General Secretary, the Secretariat, the Inspection Commission, and theChairperson of the Inspection Commission in the 13th tenure.
After that, the 13th Party Central Committeemade debut.
The congress warmly congratulated Nguyen PhuTrong on his re-election as General Secretary of the 13th-tenure Party CentralCommittee, and those who were elected to the Party Central Committee, thePolitburo, the Secretariat, and the Inspection Commission for the 13th tenure.
On behalf of the 13th Party Central Committee,General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong emphasised that the13th-tenure Party Central Committee pledges to exert utmost efforts to surmountevery difficulty to fulfill duties and be determined to successfully implementthe 13th National Party Congress’s resolution.
At the closing session, Le Minh Hung, Secretaryof the 13th Party Central Committee, Chief of the Party Central Committee’sOffice, and head of the note-takers’ board, read the congress’s draftresolution.
The congress then adopted the resolution.
The resolution stated that the congress agreedon the basic assessments of the implementation outcomes of the 12th NationalParty Congress’s resolution, the 1991 Platform on National Construction duringthe Transitional Period towards Socialism that was supplemented and developedin 2011, the 2011 - 2020 socio-economic development strategy, the 1991Platform, the 35 years of “Doi moi” (Renewal) policy, along with nationaldevelopment orientations and tasks for the time ahead as noted in the documentssubmitted by the 12th-tenure Party Central Committee to the 13th congress.
The resolution said the achievements during the35 years of “Doi moi” and 30 years of implementing the 1991 Platform,especially the 10 years of the Platform supplemented and developed in 2011,have continued to affirm that the path to socialism in Vietnam matches thereality in the country and the development trend of the era, and that theParty’s clear-sighted leadership is the leading factor determining the successof Vietnam’s revolution.
Amid fast and complicated developments in theglobal situation, the Party’s Platform remains “the flag of ideology, the flagof combat, the flag gathering the great national solidarity” for the goal of richpeople, strong nation and an equitable, democratic, and civilised nation.
The resolution underlined the overall goals andconcrete targets for 2025, 2030, and 2045; and identified major socio-economicdevelopment targets for 2021- 2025, orientations for national development for2021 - 2030, and the six key tasks for the 13th tenure. It also highlightedthree strategic breakthroughs.
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trongdelivered the closing speech that reviewed the outstanding results andsuccesses of the 13th National Party Congress.
In particular, the congress asserted that theParty will stay persistent in the Marxism - Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’sideology, continually apply and develop them in a creative manner that matchesthe reality in Vietnam in each period. It will also keep steadfast in the goalof national independence and socialism, and the “Doi moi” policy for the goal ofrich people, strong nation and an equitable, democratic, and civilised nation.
The congress also stressed that the Party mustenhance Party building and rectification work to a strong and clean Party andpolitical system, push ahead with improving its mettle and leadership andruling capacity in making and carrying out guidelines and policies in a waythat match the reality in Vietnam and the development trend of the era.
The congress also pointed to the need to taketimely action to institutionalise, concretise, and effectively implement theParty’s guidelines and the State’s policies and laws, while addressingshortcomings in the leadership, direction, and organisation of implementation.
The Party and State leader appealed to theentire Party, people, and army, along with compatriots both at home and aboardto make all-out efforts to successfully carry out the 13th Congress’sresolution./.