Theevent was attended by officials of the 27 ARF members and the ASEANSecretariat.
Participantsexchanged viewpoints on international and regional issues of common concern,with a focus on emerging security challenges in the region and the world,orientations for intensifying regional defence ties in the post-pandemicperiod, and measures for building trust and strengthening solidarity andcooperation among the ARF members.
Addressingthe event, Deputy Defence Minister Sen. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien, head of theVietnamese delegation, shared views on the emerging global and regionalsecurity situation, including traditional and non-traditional securitychallenges, notably the strategic competition and armed conflicts amongcountries, along with maritime security, including the East Sea issue.
Hestressed that the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defence supports ASEAN cooperationas well as the bloc’s centrality in promoting ASEAN’s dialogue and cooperationwith partners for peace, stability, and prosperity.
Vietnamalso hopes that the countries will resolve all the conflicts and differences by peaceful means andwith respect for international law, including the 1982 United NationsConvention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), he stressed.
The Chair of the conference, Gen. Nem Sowat - Special Advisor to CambodianDeputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Tea Bank and Director General of theCambodian Defence Ministry’s General Department of Policy and Foreign Affairs,agreed with Vietnam’s viewpoint on the peaceful settlement of disagreements.
Heshowed support for upholding ASEAN’s role and ASEAN-led mechanisms like theASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM Plus) and the ARF in ensuring peaceand cooperation in the region./.