By late May, 389 containers arriving in 6,801consignments are lying in ports for more than 90 days without being claimed bytheir owners, a customs official said.
According to a Ministry of Finance circular, goodsleft unclaimed for more than 90 days at ports could be seized and sold.
Cat Lai port in district 2 has 307 containers and448 parcels while Tan Son Nhat international airport and the express customsbranch have 1,949 and 4,384 parcels.
A customs official at Cat Lai port said anincreasing number of consignments have been piling up at ports for more than 90days since the beginning of this year.
The reason was China’s ban on import of plasticscrap from the European Union, the US and Japan this year, who are now sendingit to Southeast Asian countries, including Vietnam, he said.
But related agencies impose restrictions on importof wastes, meaning customs authorities are unable to process their entry, hesaid.
Goods are also stuck at ports because consigneesdo not claim them. A recent examination of containers on an abandonedconsignment at Cat Lai port turned up more than 100 air-conditioners, 270bicycles and bicycle parts. Most of them are used products whose imports arebanned. They have been sent to a company in Tan Phu district.
According to the customs department, transportcompanies and related agencies should cooperate by providing details ofconsignments to help identify the owners of goods and speed up the clearance ofunclaimed goods.
When the owners of abandoned goods areuntraceable, the department has to bear the cost of destroying them.
For this reason, the department called forassigning greater responsibility to transport companies and exporters in thecase of unclaimed goods since. The destruction also affects theenvironment, it said.
It sought severe punishment for import of wasteand prohibited products into Vietnam to reduce the pile-up of goods at ports.-VNA