Accelerating digital transformation: For the benefit of people and businesses

Digital transformation has become a strategic direction for businesses to survive and develop. Businesses that have a methodical, fast and appropriate digital transformation strategy will win the race.
Accelerating digital transformation: For the benefit of people and businesses ảnh 1Deputy Minister Nguyen Huy Dung speaks at the Conference. (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)

Digital transformation has become a strategic direction for businesses to survive and develop. Businesses that have a methodical, fast and appropriate digital transformation strategy will win the race.

A seminar entitled "Accelerating digital transformation: For the practical benefit of people and businesses” was held in Hanoi on October 9.

The seminar is part of a series of events in response to the Vietnam Digital Transformation Award - Vietnam Digital Awards 2022 (VDA 2022) chaired by the Vietnam Digital Communications Association (VDCA), the Ministry of Information and Communications, and VietTimes e-magazine.

Nguyen Minh Hong, Chairman of the Digital Media Association, said that the purpose of the workshop was to evaluate the acceleration of digital transformation in political organizations, state agencies, non-business units, and businesses for the sake of people and businesses. Following that spirit, participants discussed solutions to implement digital initiatives effectively.

The workshop was divided into two sessions. Session 1 with the theme "Accelerating digital transformation in state agencies, for the practical benefit of people and businesses." Session 2 featured the topic "Accelerating digital transformation in enterprises for their benefits.”

Speaking at the seminar, Nguyen Phu Tien, Deputy Director of the National Digital Transformation Department under the Ministry of Information and Communications, said,

“If we consider 2020 as the year of launching awareness about digital transformation, 2021 is the time to implement and experience digital transformation in the context of the pandemic. Meanwhile, 2022 is the year to promote people-centered and comprehensive digital transformation.”

From now to 2025, he said, will be a period of accelerating digital transformation with specific action plans for each industry, each field, and each locality.

He cited the national digital transformation programme as having achieved important results on all three pillars so far: digital government; digital economy; and digital society.

Notably, the latest statistics of the National Digital Transformation Department showed that, as of June 2022, the share of the digital economy in GDP has reached 10.41 percent, a sharp increase from 9.6% at the end of the previous year. However, it is still quite far from the target set for 2025 of 20% of GDP.

Accelerating digital transformation: For the benefit of people and businesses ảnh 2Experts give recommendations and solutions for businesses when implementing digital transformation. (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)

In 2022, the government’s orientation is to bring people and businesses to the digital environment through popularizing online services and disseminating digital platforms for production and business activities.

At the workshop, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Huy Dung said the event enabled the participants to look back together over the past two years what practical benefits digital transformation has brought to people and businesses.

"Digital transformation is a long journey,” he said, adding that more joint efforts needed to overcome challenges to accelerate digital transformation to bring about practical benefits for people and businesses.

The Party and State attach great importance to and consider digital transformation as one of the critical tasks in the process of industrialization and modernization of the country. Documents of the 13th National Party Congress mention digital transformation, digital economy, and digital society in national goals, development perspectives and strategic breakthroughs. Resolution No. 52-NQ/TW of the Politburo emphasized the urgent need to accelerate digital transformation.

The Government's national digital transformation programme to 2025, with a vision to 2030, is implemented in the direction of comprehensive digital transformation with the participation of the people, business community and state administrative agencies.

October 10 has been chosen as the National Digital Transformation Day to demonstrate the determination of the Party, State, the whole political system, business community and people nationwide to continue promoting national digital transformation, and develop the digital economy, digital society and digital citizenship./.


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