Activity celebrates Vietnam-Israel diplomatic ties

The Israeli Embassy in Vietnam, in conjunction with the National Academy of Music, held a performance in Hanoi on April 11 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Vietnam-Israel diplomatic ties (July 12) and the 65th Independence Day of Israel.
The Israeli Embassy in Vietnam, in conjunction with the National Academy of Music, held a performance in Hanoi on April 11 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Vietnam-Israel diplomatic ties (July 12) and the 65th Independence Day of Israel.

At the event, Israeli Ambassador Meirav Shahar conveyed Israeli President Simon Peres’ message to the Vietnamese State and people, which said that Israel highly values bilateral relations with Vietnam and will continue making every effort to strengthen and expand their relationship.

Shahar said that in the time to come, the embassy will work closely with other authorised agencies to organise more cultural and diplomatic events in 2013, marking 20 years of bilateral diplomatic ties.

Speaking at the event, Minister of Science and Technology Nguyen Quan highlighted the Israeli President’s visit to Vietnam in November, 2011, considering it an important factor that helped intensify the two countries’ multi-faceted cooperation.

The two sides also signed a decree on establishing the Vietnam-Israel Inter-Governmental Committee.-VNA

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