ADB helps improve farm produce safety in Hanoi

The Asia Development Bank (ADB) will help Hanoi to carry out a project on improving farm produce safety and developing the biogas sector in Hanoi from now to 2015.
The Asia Development Bank (ADB) will help Hanoi to carry out a project on improving farm produce safety and developing the biogas sector in Hanoi from now to 2015.

The project, Quality and Safety Enhancement of Agricultural Products and Biogas Development Project (QSEAP) with a capital of over 6 million USD, will get a loan of more than 5 million USD from the ADB.

The project is aimed at the sustainable production of vegetables and tea, providing jobs for the agricultural sector, as well as improving farm workers’ health and productivity, and developing biogas for daily use.

The project will help zone off areas for organic agricultural production in five communes in Hanoi , build infrastructure for these areas and provide training in safe farming and processing skills to farmers and businesses./.

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