☕Afternoon briefing on July 3

The following is a brief review of the day’s events as reported by the Vietnam News Agency.
☕Afternoon briefing on July 3 ảnh 1

Hanoi, (VNA) - The following is a brief review of the day’s events as reported by the Vietnam News Agency.

– Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) Vuong Dinh Hue emphasised the target of even, comprehensive, and sustainable development for Hanoi while addressing the 12th session of its 16th People’s Council that opened on July 3.
He highly valued the capital city’s political determination and efforts to surmount difficulties and fuel economic recovery and development.Read full text

- Vietnam attaches importance to relations with the US and wants to continue developing the ties for the benefit of their people, and for peace, friendship, cooperation, and development in the region and the world, Chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Foreign Affairs Le Hoai Trung has said.
Trung made the statement at meetings with US officials during his working visit to the US from June 28 to July 2 at the invitation of the US Department of State.Read full text

– A delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) paid a working visit to Brazil from June 29 – July 2 and attended the 26th Sao Paulo Forum themed “Regional integration to advance Latin American and Caribbean sovereignty" in Brasilia capital city of Brazil.
Addressing the forum’s plenary session, the delegation's head Le Hong Quang, who is a member of the CPV Central Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Mekong Delta province of An Giang, thanked communist parties, left-wing and workers' parties, and progressive forces for their valuable support for Vietnam during its struggles for national independence and reunification in the past, as well as in the cause of national construction and defence at present.Read full text

– Vietnam’s increasing middle-power status in the Asia-Pacific region has sparked interest on its successful foreign diplomacy, which is known as “bamboo diplomacy”, said Layton Pike, Co-founder of the Australia Vietnam Policy Institute (AVPI).
During a recent interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency, Layton said bamboo is an ideal metaphor for Vietnam’s foreign outlook.Read full text

- Vietnam can return to high growth rates over the medium term, as structural reforms are implemented, Division Chief of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s Fiscal Affairs Department Paulo Medas has said.
Medas led an IMF team to Vietnam from June 14-29 to hold discussions for the 2023 Article IV consultation with the country.Read full text

- Vietnam’s new visa policy may help the country welcome 12 million foreign tourists this year, far surpassing the target of 8 million set previously, said Hoang Nhan Chinh, Secretariat Director of the Vietnam Tourism Advisory Board (TAB).
On June 24, the Vietnamese National Assembly approved the Law on amendments and supplements to a number of articles of the Law on the Exit and Entry of Vietnamese Citizens, as well as the Law on Foreigners’ Entry into, Exit from, Transit through, and Residence in Vietnam.Read full text

– Several measures have been recommended to help Vietnamese exporters cope with dwindling demand in many markets around the world.
In the first half of 2022, countries took bold steps to resume economic and tourism activities after the COVID-19 pandemic was controlled, leading to a surge in consumption demand. Thanks to that, Vietnam recorded 187.2 billion USD in export revenue during the period, up 18% from a year earlier, statistics showed.Read full text/.

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