-PermanentVice Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) Tran Thanh Man heldseparate talks with Vice President of the Senate Cristina Narbona and FirstVice President of the Congress of Deputies of Spain Alfonso Rodriguez in Madridon March 16.
Man, who is on a visit to Spain, congratulated thecountry on its holding of the rotating European Council Presidency in thesecond half of 2023 and asked it to further promote and turn the ASEAN - EUcooperation into a priority in the EU’s agenda.Read full text
-Vietnamalways treasures and wants to promote its traditional friendship andcomprehensive cooperation with Poland, one of its prioritised partners inCentral Eastern Europe, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) Nguyen DucHai said while receiving Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Zbigniew Rau inHanoi on March 17.
Welcoming the Polish official’s visit, Haiaffirmed that the Vietnamese NA always supports the comprehensive cooperationbetween the two governments.Read full text
-DeputyPrime Minister Tran Hong Ha hosted a reception in Hanoi on March 16 for TienQuoc Hao, Chief Executive Officer of Asia Region of Japan’s Toyota MotorCorporation (TMC) and President of Toyota Motor Asia Pacific (TMAP), duringwhich he asked for Toyota’s technical support to help Vietnam catch up with andeven lead the digital transformation and sustainable energy transition process,and realise the goal of net-zero emissions.
Laterthe same day, Deputy PM Tran Hong Ha received Kirsten Schuijt, Director Generalof the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), who highly valued the directions givenby the Government of Vietnam in domestic and global conservation efforts.Read full text
-As a member of ASEAN and the United Nations Human Rights Council for 2023-2025,Vietnam will continue its close coordination with the 10-member grouping andthe international community to help Myanmar overcome difficulties, promotedialogues, enhance understanding and narrow differences, the PermanentRepresentative of Vietnam to the UN has said.
Speaking at an informal meeting of the 77th UNGeneral Assembly in New York on March 16, Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang notedVietnam’s concern over the situation in Myanmar which saw no improvements overthe past two years, with a fragile economy and a severe humanitarian crisiswhich have greatly impacted women and children.Read full text
-A delegation of the Supreme People's Procuracy of Vietnam, led by Nguyen HuyTien, Permanent Deputy Prosecutor General, attended the 15th InternationalMeeting on Criminal Science and the 3rd conference on the rule of law, law andsociety, organised in Havana on March 15-17.
Theofficial affirmed that the Communist Party and the Government of Vietnamdetermine that the fight against corruption is an important, urgent andcomplicated task that plays a vital role in the construction and development ofthe country.Read full text
-Adelegation of the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defence participated in DSEIJapan 2023, the only large-scale, fully integrated defence event in Japan, fromMarch 14-17.
First launched in 2019, the biennial event wassuspended until this year due to impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.Read full text
-VietnameseAmbassador to Germany Vu Quang Minh paid a working visit to Hannover city,Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony) state on March 15-16.
In meetings with local officials, Minh reviewedthe situation and prospects of the Vietnam-Germany relations, affirming thatthe bilateral Strategic Partnership has been strongly promoted in variousfields.Read full text
-The2023 Vietnam Business Forum (VBF) opened in Hanoi on March 17 under the themeof “Business Community in Partnership with Government of Vietnam in FosteringGreen Growth”.
The annual forum, co-organised by the VietnameseMinistry of Planning and Investment and the World Bank Group’s InternationalFinance Corporation (IFC), serves as an uninterrupted and close dialoguemechanism between the Government and the domestic and foreign businesscommunities in order to improve business conditions to promote the developmentof the domestic private sector and facilitate the investment environment, thuscontributing to Vietnam's sustainable economic growth.Read full text
-Vietnamesefilm lovers will have a chance to enjoy outstanding cinema works from theFrancophone community at the 13th Francophone Film Festival which is set to runin Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City from March 18 to 24.
Aspart of cultural activities on the occasion of International Francophone Day,the festival will present seven films from nine countries including Vietnam,Switzerland, France, Canada, Tunisia and Belgium-Wallonie-Bruxelles.Read full text/.

PM lauds SK Group’s vision for mutual growth in Vietnam
As Vietnam is focusing on three strategic breakthroughs regarding institutions, infrastructure, and human resources, he fully endorsed the SK Group’s proposals and encouraged the group to continue its consultation, support, and investment in such critical sectors as artificial intelligence (AI) research and development, data centres, transportation, logistics and energy infrastructure, green and clean agriculture, and workforce training.