☕ Afternoon briefing on September 30

The following is a brief review of the day’s events as reported by the Vietnam News Agency on September 30.
☕ Afternoon briefing on September 30 ảnh 1
Hanoi, (VNA) – The following is a brief review of the day’s events as reported by the Vietnam News Agency on September 30.

- The Vietnam-Cuba business promotion forum took place in Hanoi on September 30, seeing the participation of visiting Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz and Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai. In his speech, Deputy PM Khai stressed that the bilateral cooperation relationship still maintains development momentum in all fields although Vietnam and Cuba have faced many difficulties and challenges in recent years.Read full story

– On behalf of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Vietnamese Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang affirmed the bloc’s strong commitment to enhance development cooperation at a general debate of the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Affairs Committee of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly on September 29.

Ambassador Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, expressed ASEAN’s concern that while the COVID-19 pandemic has yet to be over, food and energy crises, natural disasters like flooding and drought, inflation, mounting debt, and growing inequality have caused unprecedented pressure on people’s life, especially those in developing countries and vulnerable groups.Read full story

– A ceremony was held in Laos’s Savannakhet province on September 29 to wrap up the fifth Vietnam-Laos People Friendship Festival and celebrate the Vietnam-Laos, Laos-Vietnam Friendship and Solidarity Year, the 60th founding anniversary of diplomatic relations and the 45th of the signing of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation between the two countries.

Addressing the event, Lao Minister of Technology and Communications Boviengkham Vongdara, who is also President of the Laos-Vietnam Friendship Association, highlighted the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries, which have been growing despite complicated developments in the world and regional situation.Read full story

– Boeing, the world’s leading aerospace company based in the US, are accelerating cooperation with Vietnamese suppliers and universities to provide a foundation for long-term industrial growth, according to Boeing Vietnam Country Director Michael Nguyen. Boeing is working with seven suppliers in Vietnam, he said at the Boeing Aerospace Industry Forum recently held in Hanoi.Read full story

– A business delegation from Gwangju - the sixth-largest metropolis of the Republic of Korea (RoK), joined a business-to-business (B2B) trade event with Vietnamese enterprises held by the Korea Trade and Investment Promotion Agency  (KOTRA Hanoi) from September 26 – 30.  According to KOTRA Hanoi, RoK producers introduced their products of strength, including cosmetics, food, and medical supplies, during the event.Read full story

– Vietnam’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth in 2022 can reach up to 8%, surpassing the target of 6.5%, according to Director General of the General Statistics Office (GSO) Nguyen Thi Huong. The GSO held that pressure on the growth from now to the year’s end is not too heavy as Vietnam has been maintaining some bases and room over the past nine months.Read full story

– More than 1,300 Shan Tuyet tea plants in Ha Giang province and a group of valuable timber trees in Dak Nong province have been recognised as “Vietnam Heritage Trees”. In the northernmost province of Ha Giang, the newly recognised 1,324 Shan Tuyet tea plants are in the districts of Bac Quang, Hoang Su Phi, Quang Binh, Vi Xuyen, and Xin Man.Read full story

– Thanks to the development of a network of industrial parks and clusters as well as efforts to accompany investors, Hanoi has remained one of the bright spots of the country in foreign direct investment (FDI) attraction.

According to the municipal Department of Planning and Investment, so far this year, the city has attracted about 992.4 million USD in FDI, up 15% year on year, including 141.3 million USD invested in new projects. The result helps the capital city remain among the top localities in FDI attraction.Read full story/. 

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