Agriculture holds significant contributions to 2021 economic growth: PM

Agriculture, farmers, and rural areas have made important contributions in various aspects to stabilising macroeconomics, ensuring major balances, sustaining growth, and boosting economic recovery in 2021 when the economy faces serious COVID-19-induced impacts, stated Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh at a conference held in Hanoi on December 29.
Agriculture holds significant contributions to 2021 economic growth: PM ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – Agriculture, farmers, and rural areas have made important contributions in various aspects to stabilising macroeconomics, ensuring major balances, sustaining growth, and boosting economic recovery in 2021 when the economy faces serious COVID-19-induced impacts, stated Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh at a conference held in Hanoi on December 29.

The conference, run by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, reviewed the operations of the sector in 2021 and kicked off plans set for 2022.

In his speech at the event, Chinh praised the sector for overcoming difficulties and flexibly adapting to challenges from natural disasters, diseases, and supply chain disruptions to meet its yearly targets.

In 2021, the sector saw its added value increasing by 2.9 percent, forest coverage rate reaching 42.02 percent, and export turnover hitting 48.6 billion USD.

The PM also pointed to such shortcomings as development, particularly of marine economy, yet to be on par with potential; inadequate attention to tackling climate change impacts; weak post-harvest processing capacity; undiversified export markets; and a lack of breakthrough policies to attract more investment; among others.

Ordering these issues to be thoroughly addressed, Chinh agreed with the sector’s goals and solutions earmarked for 2022. Accordingly, next year, the sector will strive to achieve a growth rate of 2.8 - 2.9 percent; production value growth rate of 2.9 - 3.0 percent; total export turnover of about 49 billion USD; and forest cover rate of 42 percent.

The PM requested the sector to conduct effective COVID-19 prevention and control, mobilise all resources serving sustainable agricultural development, make prompt supply – demand and market predictions, develop more national products, and boost production capacity, among others.

Chinh highlighted the importance of developing a sustainable maritime economy, having the European Commission (EC)’s “yellow card” removed, and strengthening forest management, protection and development. It is also necessary to focus on digital transformation in agriculture, restructuring the sector toward sustainability, and boosting people’s living standards, he added.

At the conference, on behalf of Party and State leaders, Chinh presented gifts to individuals with outstanding contributions to the agricultural sector and to the overall cause of national construction and defence./.

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