The results make theMinistry of Agriculture and Rural Development’s set export value target of 31billion USD for this year more feasible.
However, in November, riceexports saw a sharp drop as only 353,000 tonnes were sold for 156 million USD. Inthe first 11 months of this year, the country shipped abroad 4.54 milliontonnes of rice for 2 billion USD, a year on year fall of 25 percent in volumeand 20.3 percent in value.
At the same time, decreasewas also seen in export of cassava and cassava products, as 294,000 tonnes werebought for 80 million USD, which raised the figures in January-November to 3.3million tonnes and 896 million USD, respectively, down 12.3 percent and 24.9percent over the same period last year.
China was the largestconsumer of Vietnam’s rice, cassava and cassava products. The country imported36 percent of Vietnam’s total exported rice and 86.2 percent of shipped cassavaand cassava products.
Meanwhile, rubber exportsenjoyed high growth with an export volume of 117,000 tonnes and a value of 165million USD, raising the figures so far this year to 1.1 million tonnes and1.43 million USD, an increase 12.3 percent and 4.6 percent, respectively,compared to the same time in 2015.
Major agri-products, suchas coffee, peppercorn and tea, still maintained good growth in export.
In the 11-month period, Vietnamexported 1.6 million tonnes of coffee for 2.98 billion USD, a surge of 36.1percent and 24.3 percent, respectively; 230,000 tonnes of cashew for 2.59billion USD, up 6.2 percent in volume and 18.3 percent in value. Peppercornexports also enjoyed a 15 percent rise to reach 1.37 billion USD.
Shipmentof aquatic products in November was estimated to hit 6.4 billion USD, up 6.9percent year on year, while that of major forestry products is 6.5 billion USD,a rise of 0.8 percent.-VNA